Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Site review: Rostam Comic Book

*This is a sponsored post*

Here is a news for comic lovers - Rostam Comic Book . It's a graphical adaptation of the tales from the Shahnameh into the American Comic book format. Creators of this comic book are child hood friends Bruce Bahmani, Jamie Douraghy, and Cameron Douraghy. Inspiration for this comic project was the successful venture of their first work - a customized comic book which targetted Asian American teenagers who smoke. The project which came out as part of an anti-smoking campaign "Truth" proved to be very successful with more than a million issues being printed and distributed. The success story & experience inspired them to bring out the action adventure stories from the Shahnameh which they had grown up with in an art form.

The trio chose Rostam, the Shahnameh’s main hero warrior which perfectly suited for the American Comic Book form. Blending the heroic tales of ancient Persia with its rich culture to the American tradition, they launched the world’s first adaptation of Shahnameh stories. That was not the end. After few years of research, translation and adaptation, Bruce Bahmani, came out with a trilogy of stories, suited for the creation of the books, in which the tradition of Ferdowsi's techniques.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for the contect/quality of the service provided/available on the above said web-site.

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